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What are the Characteristics of Nanotechnology? This is Explanation

What are the characteristics of nanotechnology? The answer to this question can be understood by studying information about nanotechnology itself. Nanotechnology is the application of science in various fields of life for nanometer scale engineering.

Quoted from the book Nanotechnology in the Health Sector by Fudhita Florida and Annisa Ulfah (2016:3), nanotechnology is very useful in various aspects of life starting from environmental issues, food, health, communication, economics, and so on.

What are the Characteristics of Nanotechnology?

By knowing the characteristics of nanotechnology, someone can learn more about this technology. The characteristics in question are the characteristics and properties of this nanotechnology. Below are some descriptions.

1. Has a super small size

Nanotechnology is a technology that involves atoms whose size is smaller than 1000 nanometers. This means the size of this nanotechnology can be up to 100 thousand times smaller than a strand of human hair. This technology is even smaller than blood cells.

2. Technology with Engineered Features

The production and use of nanotechnology is deliberately engineered to approach the atomic scale. It aims to provide nanotechnology the ability to create fundamentally new devices, materials and systems.

3. Has Great Potential

The potential resulting from the application of nanotechnology in the next few decades is predicted to bring about great improvements. This is proven by several amazing benefits.

4. Exclusive

Nanotechnology is technology that is small, light and flexible, but has strength that exceeds steel. In addition, nanotechnology can withstand water and heat, can store large amounts of energy, and has almost no pollution.

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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