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The Art of Debating and Definition of Debate

 Many people associate 'arguing' with 'fighting'. This is understandable, especially because in everyday life, we often see debate sessions where each side tries to convey its opinion while attacking the opponent's weaknesses, with the aim apparently being to emerge victorious by making the opponent lose the argument.

However, the essence of debating is actually regular communication with the aim of understanding and conveying thoughts. Regularly means it is done alternately. This process involves the exchange of information, the use of empathy in listening and responding, and the application of logic to analytically understand the meaning of what the interlocutor says.

Everyone can talk, express opinions, and listen at different times. But not everyone can do it at the same time. This limited presence often makes debates look like arguments, as the parties involved tend not to listen to each other and focus more on conveying your own opinions. In fact, debate is a common part of everyday communication. What differentiates one debate from another is the extent to which we carry it out in a healthy way.

The purpose of debating is to reach agreement or find a solution to a problem, usually through a logical and argumentative process that involves the exchange of opinions and structured explanations.
This means that in a discussion, the parties attempt to present convincing, provable arguments with clear logic to support their proposed views or solutions.
M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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