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5 Signs You Have an Indecisive Mindset

Indecisive mindset refers to a person's condition where it is difficult to decide on something, even small things. Basically, making a decision is not an easy matter. In a decision, there needs to be a lot of consideration in it.

However, to a certain extent, there are people who constantly find it difficult to decide even small things. This can of course cause its own difficulties because each person's time and energy is limited. What are the signs of someone who has an indecisive mindset? Check out the explanation below.

1. Treat uncertainty as a problem

In life, we are always faced with uncertainty. Even though we have tried to predict based on the information we have, the future remains a mystery. It could rain tomorrow morning even though the weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.

People who are ducisive will accept this uncertainty with an open heart and can make good decisions. Meanwhile, people who have an indecisive mindset consider uncertainty as a problem that must be reduced or even eliminated. It will be difficult for him to move forward when he feels that many things are uncertain.

2. Tends to make negative predictions

When faced with uncertainty, decisive people have positive thoughts. He will predict the possibilities in a balanced way. There could be bad things happening but there is still the possibility that there will be good things in the future.

Meanwhile, people with an indecisive mindset tend to only see bad possibilities and continue to think negatively. This makes it increasingly difficult and difficult for him to make decisions.

3. Lack of self-confidence

The ability to decide something comes from self-confidence. Through this sense of self-confidence, he can overcome the consequences of the decisions he makes. This is certainly not owned by people who have an indecisive mindset.

Launching Psychology Today. People who have difficulty deciding something have low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy itself refers to a person's belief in their ability to solve certain problems and tasks.

4. Perfectionist

People who have an incisive mindset tend to want everything to work out and get perfect results. If there is a mistake, even if it is not too significant, he will criticize himself. Because of this, it was difficult for him to decide anything.

He is afraid that the decision he has taken will not work well and will make him worse off. Therefore, he avoids the process of making decisions because he will feel bad if later it does not meet expectations or new problems arise.

5. Fear of failure

For people who have an decisive mindset, success is absolute. Failure is considered something embarrassing and needs to be avoided. Rather than moving forward, they prefer to stay in a safe place.

In fact, failure is actually a process of self-evaluation and room for growth. By experiencing failure, we can better understand our strengths and weaknesses. This helps us become better people in the future.

Making a decision is not an easy thing. If you are the type of person who has difficulty deciding something, overcome it by gathering supporting information. Don't forget to be compassionate towards yourself, Okay!

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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