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How To Focus Only to Things that You Can Control

Mental well-being is usually closely related to your ability to manage your thoughts and emotions. Especially when facing situations that you cannot control.

Not infrequently, you will feel anxious or depressed easily because you focus on things outside your control. Here are five effective tips for shifting focus only to things that can be controlled. This will help you create a healthier and more positive mental environment.

1. Apply awareness or mindfulness

Mindfulness or full awareness is a process that involves focusing on the present moment without judging or overreacting emotionally to what is happening around you. By developing this habit, you can train yourself not to be carried away by negative thoughts or anxiety that is out of your control.

Applying this can help you maintain focus on the current experience. This will also help you absorb the happiness and calm that can be found in everyday moments.

2. Determine priorities and focus on what is most important

Shifting focus to things that can be controlled also requires the ability to set priorities. When you're facing a lot of tasks or problems, it's important to figure out what you can really control and have a significant impact on your life.

Make a list of priorities and devote energy and attention to things that can be changed or managed. By doing this, you will not only increase efficiency, but also reduce the stress that arises from feeling like you have too many responsibilities that you can't handle.

3. Limit yourself from exposure to news and social media

News and social media can be a significant source of stress if not managed wisely. The information you constantly consume about events you cannot control can trigger anxiety and feelings of insecurity. Therefore, it is important to set limits on exposure to news and social media.

Set specific times to consume news and avoid checking social media too often. Choose reliable sources of information and take a break if you feel overwhelmed by information that cannot be changed. By controlling this exposure, you can shift your focus more to the positive aspects of daily life.

4. Develop problem solving skills

Shifting focus to things that can be controlled also means developing problem solving skills. Instead of getting caught up in feeling helpless about difficult problems, you can focus your energy on finding solutions. For example, breaking down a problem into smaller steps or focusing on actions you can take.

If you are facing a complicated problem, seeking advice or support from trusted people can also help. Sometimes, involving other people's perspectives helps you see options and solutions you didn't think of before.

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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