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How To Fix things in Bedroom that Are Keeping You Awake At Night

If you can't stay asleep all night and keep waking up, these are the culprits to watch out for

Many of us want to get to sleep quickly and stay asleep all night, but is your bedroom interfering with the quality of your sleep? We have identified seven items in your bedroom that may be interfering with your ability to have a good night's sleep, ranging from temperature to light and even fragrance.

“A 2018 study showed that if your room is too hot, bright or noisy, you will have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Also, if your bedroom is too messy or cluttered, you may be too stressed out by the mess to focus on sleep.

1. Your bedroom is the wrong temperature

Studies show that the optimal bedroom temperature for quality sleep is between 20 and 25°C (68 and 77 F), so if your bedroom falls outside of that temperature range you may find it difficult to drop off. Your body’s temperature naturally fluctuates during the day before dropping by 0.5 and 1° F (0.3 to 0.6° C) around bedtime, so getting your bedroom temperature right is important. A bedroom that's too hot makes it difficult for your body temperature to drop in preparation for sleep.  

2. Your pillow is uncomfortable

When it comes to creating a sleep-friendly surrounding to help you fall asleep fast and stay asleep, it's easy to overlook your pillow  — but the wrong pillow can place the cervical spine under stress, leading to head, neck and shoulder pain. Falling asleep is hard, but staying asleep is even trickier. 

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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