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How To Cook Easy Pizza Dough

A delicious pizza that starts with a homemade thin crust, topped with a tangy tomato sauce. A lot of people was very love with pizza, each bite is mouthwatering combinations of flavour make pizza true delight.

Whether enjoyed as solo or shared with friends and family.

At this time, i will share a recipe and also the step how to cook a easy pizza dough

Lets we cook!

The Ingredients we need is just 7 items

🔖 2 tsp dried granulated yeast

🔖 3 cups bread flour

🔖 1 tsp salt

🔖 2 tbsp sugar

🔖 2 tbsp olive oil

🔖 1 cup water

🔖 2 tbsp water

First step, for the toppings caramelised and roasted garlic, then mozarella cheese, camembert, romano. equal parts of basil pesto and olive oil mixed together with parmesan or romano cheese.

Second step, for the bread place all the above ingredients in the order which have listened into bread machine, select the dough cycle and press start, and then when the dough cycle is complete, take the dough out the machine and place in well greased bowl and roll the dough around (in the bowl) thus 'coating' it in oil

Third step, cover and leave to rise in warm place for about 1/2 an hour, then kneed the risen dough lightly, to shape and bake: roll the dough into a circle, place on well greased baking tray or pizza pan

Last step, then add a topping of your choice and bake at 225'C

Note: for a nice crisp and thin pizza, bake before adding topping and after.

Tadaa! The Easy Pizza Dough was ready to serve.. 

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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