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5 Ways to Differentiate between Male and Female Cats


1. Small male cats vs small female cats

Some people have preferences when adopting a cat. There are those who prefer to adopt male cats, but quite a few also prefer female cats.

The basic difference between male and female cats is of course their genitals. Mama can differentiate between male and female cats by checking yesterday's tool at the bottom of their tails.

2. Male cat vs female cat hormones

Male and female cat hormones will increase as they age. Male cats will wander around and act aggressively when they enter the reproductive period. Male cats will look for female cats to fulfill their sexual desires.

Meanwhile, female cats will stay at home when their sexual desire increases. He will meow loudly or chase away a rival female cat from the house.

3. The attitude of male cats vs female cats during heat

Male cats will often leave the house and fight with other male cats to get female cats. They also often spray small amounts of urine randomly as a sign of increased sexual desire.

Meanwhile, female cats only make loud noises as a sign to attract the attention of male cats. When their sexual desires are not fulfilled, female cats can act as aggressively as male cats.

4. Appearance of male cats vs female cats

You can actually differentiate between male and female cats by their appearance. Adult male cats usually have orange fur or a combination of orange and white.

Meanwhile, female cats have prettier fur colors. Female cats usually have three-colored fur with a combination of brown, white, or gray.

5. Male cat vs female cat after sterilization

After being sterilized, male cats generally prefer to stay at home. His desire to fight or mark territory will decrease. They will be more accepting of other cats of any gender.

On the other hand, female cats that have been sterilized will certainly not experience heat again. The loud meowing sound will stop automatically. They will appear maternal to young kittens, but still love adult male cats.

So, those are some simple ways to differentiate male cats from female cats. You should check its genitals first before adopting a cat. Don't forget to pay attention to the cleanliness and health of the cats you care for at home, so that the cats can grow up healthy and adorable.

M. Yasin Syaifullah
M. Yasin Syaifullah Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta. Dan saya senang menulis untuk berbagi | Iam a college student and I like writing to sharing.

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